What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?

Author:Shoukang Medical Time:2021-08-13 17:08:06 Hits:

     AI is the abbreviation of Artificial Intelligence. It is a new technological science that studies and develops theories, methods, technologies and application systems used to simulate, extend and expand human intelligence. Robots, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert systems all belong to this field.

      So what kind of effect will the combination of artificial intelligence and medical treatment have? Some people may think that "AI medical treatment" will replace the current "artificial medical treatment". In fact, it is better to say that artificial intelligence is transforming the medical field.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?(图1)

    Firstly, for the medical industry, the development of AI can reduce medical resources. With the development of related technologies, minimally invasive robots are now entering the public's field of vision, which means that they can enter the human body through a particularly tiny robot to perform some tasks. Precision surgery, at the same time, can also use this method to reduce related medical errors, which will also reduce a large degree of medical accidents. Judging from the current news reports, most medical accidents are caused by the mistakes of some doctors or nurses, and AI technology will avoid this situation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?(图2)

     Secondly, with the advancement of technology, telemedicine services have also been put on the agenda, which means that many patients do not need to go to the hospital after they become ill. They can use relevant technologies to achieve medical diagnosis in their own homes. During the diagnosis process, he can communicate with the doctor in time. For some patients suffering from emergency or inconvenient mobility, such technological advancement is the best medical care. In this way, it can not only reduce unnecessary travel costs, but also save time and improve user experience. At the same time, service efficiency has also improved.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?(图3)

    Finally, doctor resources are scarce resources all over the world. To a certain extent, this relationship of supply and demand determines the difficulty of medical treatment for patients. At the same time, there are service problems such as frequent manual consultation services, repeated confirmation of historical medical records, and low efficiency in manually entering medical records. AI+Medical can break through the traditional medical consultation mode and enter a new consultation mode that is automated, intelligent, informatized, and efficient, improving user experience and improving the efficiency of medical services, so that every group in the entire medical ecosystem can benefit from it .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?(图4)

   Of course, certain problems will also arise in the development of AI medical care. The most prominent one is that the doctor-patient relationship will inevitably become more tense with the development of technology. For some people, doctors are not only treating diseases, but also in the process of treatment. Communication and exchanges with patients can also relieve tension. For the relief of related symptoms will also play a certain role. Moreover, people will definitely be very different from people and machines, and cold machines will definitely cause further tension in the doctor-patient relationship. And for some difficult and miscellaneous diseases encountered, it is difficult for AI to use its own algorithms to deal with them reasonably, and even cause some misdiagnosis.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI medical? Is there great potential for development?(图5)

    But overall, AI medical care has great potential for future development. Since the birth of artificial intelligence, the theory and technology have become increasingly mature, and the field of application has continued to expand. Artificial intelligence can make machines competent for some complex tasks that usually require human intelligence to complete. The combination of AI and medical care will inevitably bring earth-shaking changes to the medical field.

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